I’ve been very fortunate to spend so many years getting to know my maternal grandparents. My grandmother, Dorothy Jacobson, a wise and elegant woman, was giving advice until her last day; she passed away in her home July 19, 2020, at the age of 99. She was strong, fiercely independent, and stylish up until the very end.
Her husband Milton, my grandfather, a smart, loving, dedicated man, passed away a few years earlier in 2007. He spent many hours later in life learning the craft of woodcarving and woodburning, a hobby he picked up only in retirement. Though these memories are over twenty five years old, I remember clearly his workbench in the basement of their upstate New York home.
My brief attempt at woodcarving in Nepal confirmed for me that I have no innate talent for carving, and I long knew that I also lacked the temperament for it. However, I would like to believe that I picked up some of my grandfather’s pride in workmanship, the humor and irreverence that he brought to the craft, and the desire to always continue learning.
With this post, as a small tribute to my grandparents, the photos here highlight just a few of the carved heirlooms my grandfather left his family - some that he gave freely to his children and grandchildren while he was still alive, and others kept lovingly by my grandmother until her passing.