Branching Out Wood

Modern Functional Home Decor by David Wertheimer

Dust Collection Upgrade

Workshop & SafetyDavid Wertheimer4 Comments

A decision to upgrade my planer has forced me to also upgrade my dust collection system. Read more to learn about the custom two-stage dust collection system I built that is cleaner and more efficient, but yet fits in a more compact space, than my original off-the-shelf system … and all the challenges integrating PVC and ductwork!

Woodworking Classes

Personal JourneyDavid WertheimerComment

I’ve always enjoyed teaching, and for a couple years now I’ve been a woodshop instructor at a maker space in Sunnyvale, California: MakerNexus. Along with other instructors, I teach both basic power tool safety, as well as a variety of more advanced skills in longer workshops. Though I’m excited to give back to the community and share my enthusiasm for the craft, I often leave classes with more energy than I arrived with, as my students share their energy and curiosity as they embark on their creative journeys.

Kinetic Gifts & Inspiration

Technology & SteampunkDavid WertheimerComment

While many pieces of kinetic art are installations unaffordable to any but the largest institutions and corporations, I wanted to highlight a few artists and companies that have very creative offerings that can be purchased. I cover a wide affordability range, from $50 all the way to $20,000.

Or if you have a few million to spare, I’ve also highlighted a number of bespoke design firms and designers around the world who can help you deck out your villa or decorate your massive garden… or at least serve as inspiration for your own unique kinetic steampunk and electronic creations.