I remain committed to directing 10% of my revenue to net new clean energy projects, and since my last update on the accounting of this was over two years ago, it was time to refresh the systems I’ve had installed, and how much electricity they have generated.
Scrap Wood to Beautiful Furniture
Sustainability, Products & Shows2 CommentsFinding homes for beautiful scrap wood is a constant challenge for me; I’m always on the lookout for projects (or collaborators) that can put smaller and odd-shaped pieces to use. This design both caught my eye and was perfect for some pieces sitting in the workshop. Learn about the joints and fabrication of this unique piece, including a detailed dimensioned drawing to aid you in building it yourself!
Honoring my Commitment to Clean Energy
Sustainability3 CommentsI have committed Branching Out Wood to dedicate at least 10% of revenues to net new solar projects. In the years since opening up shop, I wanted to provide an update on how I’ve followed through on that commitment, as well as provide a few pointers to resources you might find useful in helping to evaluate whether solar would be useful for you.
Ode to Recycling
Sustainability3 CommentsA few examples of applying the Reduce-Reuse-Recycle mantra to my workshop, and resources you can take advantage of that allow you to do the same. This is good for the planet, and good for your wallet. And - at least for me - gave me some warm fuzzies in meeting a community of fellow makers and woodworkers who could benefit from my scraps, and were willing to give me theirs, all free of charge.
Is Using Wood Bad for the Environment?
Sustainability4 CommentsKeeping the Lights On
Technology & Steampunk, Sustainability, Products & Shows, Workshop & Safety4 CommentsMuch of what I sell requires “wall power” both to validate for the customer that it works, and to attract folks to the booth in the first place. Yet selling at booths, on the street or in a festival, I am rarely provided with power, and generators are almost never allowed. This article describes the battery / inverter / solar solution I’ve put together to close this gap.